Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Massimo Palombella

Today’s celebration commemorates the event in the life of Jesus as narrated in the second chapter of Luke’s Gospel (Lk 2:22-39) and occurs 40 days after the Christmas Solemnity. It is popularly called “Candlemas” because today candles are blessed as a sign of Christ “light to enlighten people”. Previously, today’s feast was also known as the “Purification of Mary” because, according to Jewish custom, when the first-born son was presented to the Temple, the mother was also purified. In ancient times, today’s feast day was celebrated on 14 February (40 days after the Epiphany). In the 6th century, Justinian I of Byzantium brought the feast forward to 2 February.
Today, the Song of Simeon could challenge our lives. In fact, the experience of having seen the Lord has brought to fulfilment his existence, his expectation, his search for meaning. Listening to our need for “life in abundance”, for fullness, and accepting the challenge to seek all this within ourselves, is the path on which the Lord awaits us to give us the joy that alone can fill our lives.
The offertory for today’s celebration is from Psalm 44 (Ps 44:3) with the following text:
Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis:
propterea benedixit te Deus in aeternum.
(Grace has been poured out on your lips;
therefore, God has blessed you for ever, world without end).
The attached music, in Gregorian Chant, is taken from the Graduale Triplex published in Solesmes in 1979. The music track can be found on YouTube where there are no indications of interpretation.
blessed Sunday and heartfelt greetings.