Solemnity of Christ King of the Universe/B
Massimo Palombella

Pope Pius XI on 11 December 1925 with the Encyclical ‘Quas Primas’ instituted today’s Solemnity.
The kingship of Jesus is imbued with the weakness of a God insulted, beaten and put to death.
The kingship of Jesus stops at our freedom.
The kingship of Jesus never abandons us, even when we take refuge in that apparent peace with an aftertaste of death.
The kingship of Jesus, in his discretion and silence, is able to overcome all our hidden resistance with unimaginable love and infinite mercy.
In the Ambrosian Rite there is an antiphon that is sung ‘after the Gospel’ (Post Evangelium). For today’s celebration, this antiphon has the following text:
Ave, Rex noster: tu solus nostros errores miseratus,
Patri oboediens, ductus es ad crucem,
ut Agnus mansuetus ad occisionem.
Tibi gloria, hosanna, triumphus et victoria;
tibi summae laudis et honestatis corona, alleluia.
(Hail, our King, who alone had mercy on our errors:
obedient to the Father’s will, you allowed yourself to be led to the cross as
a meek lamb destined for sacrifice.
To you be glory, hosanna, triumph and victory,
to you the brightest crown of praise and honour, alleluia).
The attached music, in Ambrosian chant, is taken from the Antiphonale Missarum Iuxta Ritum Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Mediolanensis, published in Rome in 1935. The live interpretation is by the Musical Chapel of the Duomo of Milan at the Chapter Celebration on 10 November 2024.
A blessed Sunday and heartfelt greetings.