
International competition for places for the Musical Chapel of the Milan Duomo

Musical Chapel of the Milan Duomo, call for applications for two male voices

Musical Chapel of the Milan Duomo

The Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano, the ecclesiastical body endowed with legal personality for the enhancement of the Duomo of Milan and the management of a Musical Chapel in 1402, announces an international audition and competition, aimed at the conclusion of a yearly renewable contract of independent collaboration, for the following male voices:



Requirements for admission to the competition: a) age not less than 18 years
b) citizenship of a European Union country or non-EU citizenship with long-term residence permit, or refugee status or subsidiary protection status.
c) Conservatory diploma or equivalent musical qualification, even if not strictly related to the position in question. Any candidates who have not yet completed their studies will be admitted at the discretion of the commission.
d) physical fitness for the job.
e) excellent command of the Italian language if not a native speaker (language proficiency level B2).
f) be a holder of a VAT number.
The requirements must be met on the date of issue of this notice of competition.

Applicants must submit their application for the competition, as well as any other required documentation, exclusively by sending a single e-mail to, expressing their intention to participate in the competition, no later than 15 SEPTEMBER 2024.

The registration e-mail must contain the following attachments: curriculum vitae in European format giving the candidate’s data and contact details, educational background, study courses and previous musical experience, with particular regard, if any, to experience in vocal ensembles and to activities or knowledge related to so-called early music.
Non-European Union citizens must attach a copy (in pdf format) of their residence permit or of any other document certifying that they possess the requisite as per art. 2 point b) of this call.

The winners of the competition must send an e-mail to, within a peremptory deadline of 10 days from the day on which they receive the relative notification, accepting the assignment as well as the following documents

a) valid identification document showing date and place of birth as well as nationality;
b) for non-EU citizens, a certified copy of their valid residence permit or residence card. In the event that the residence permit is a fixed-term residence permit for employment reasons, this document must be accompanied by a photocopy of the housing eligibility document;
In the event of renouncement or forfeiture of the successful candidate, within six months from the ratification of the minutes of the Selection Committee, the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano may assign the post to the successful candidate who immediately follows in the ranking list.

For further information regarding this call for applications, please write an e-mail to

The Musical Chapel of the Milan Duomo is called to participate in the Chapter Celebrations every Sunday of the year and is required to attend the most important religious solemnities as well as the concerts to which it is invited. In order to prepare for this commitment, rehearsals are currently held four times a week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. approximately. During the summer period, the commitment decreases, on the other hand, close to solemnities and concerts, the commitment may increase.

Since this is an autonomous collaboration relationship, there is no exclusive relationship.

The Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano applies the social security treatment foreseen for entertainment workers.

More information on the remuneration of services will be provided at the time of registration for the audition. This remuneration is in line with the best values in the sector.


Info: Musical Chapel of the Milan Duomo

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