
Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Massimo Palombella

Domenico Piola, Il più grande nel regno dei cieli, (sec. XVII, Gallerie nazionali di Palazzo Spinola, Genova)

In today’s Gospel (Mt 13:44-52) Jesus continues to speak in parables to describe the “kingdom of heaven”.

The “kingdom of heaven” of which the Gospel speaks to us basically represents what a person can truly desire from life. The ‘kingdom of heaven’ is then a life full of meaning, an existence where I feel loved, acknowledged, where I can love, where everything is wholesomely placed, where there are no more ‘grudges’ or revenges to be had… Where everything – not without effort and suffering – is made right.

The ‘kingdom of heaven’ is fulfilled in our lives by a slow journey where, by exercising discernment, distinguishing the good fish from the bad (the only instance that allows our acts to be human), we identify that love, that ‘precious pearl’ that enables us to sell all our possessions, to become free persons to enter into the reality of life. This is surrendering ourselves, facing our fears, turning our needs into resources, experiencing ‘life in abundance’.

Today’s Offertory antiphon is taken from Psalm 29 (Ps 29:2-3) with the following text:
“Exaltabo te, Domine, quoniam suscepisti me,
nec delectasti inimicos meos super me:
Domine clamavi ad te, et sanasti me.”

(I will exalt you, Lord, because you have welcomed me
and have not made my enemies rejoice over me:
Lord, I have cried out to you and you have healed me).

The attached music is by Alessandro Scarlatti (Manuscript I-Baf 443, 2v-4r). The interpretation is by the Musical Chapel of the Duomo of Milan at the Chapter Celebration on Sunday 11 June 2023.

A blessed Sunday and heartfelt greetings.

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