
Sixth Sunday of Easter

Massimo Palombella

La Pentecoste, mosaico XII sec (Duomo di Monreale)

In today’s Gospel (Jn 14:15-21) Jesus says to his disciples: “You will see me, for I live and you will live”.

Seeing God, slowly enabling our inner eyes to grasp God’s presence in the patterns of our personal lives, in the events that happen. This is what enables us to “really live”.

God is waiting for us “beyond”. Beyond our anger and violence that is always generated by our unacknowledged pain, beyond our reaction, beyond the patterns that calm us down but, in essence, do not allow us to live, beyond the limits that we impose on ourselves out of fear of reality.

Only “beyond” can we see God, the true God who is waiting for us to love us as we really need, to make us taste “life in abundance”.

Today’s Offertory antiphon is taken from Psalm 65 (Ps 65, 8.9.20) with the following text:
“Benedicite, gentes Dominum Deum nostrum
et obaudite vocem laudis eius,
qui posuit animam meam ad vitam
et non dedit commoveri pedes meos.
Benedictus Dominus, qui non amovit deprecationem meam,
et misericordiam suam a me, alleluia.”

(O nations, bless the Lord our God,
let the voice of his praises resound;
he has restored my soul to life
and he has not suffered my feet to stumble;
blessed be the Lord who has neither rejected my prayer
nor turned his mercy away from me, alleluia).

The attached music, in Gregorian Chant, is taken from the Gradual Triplex published in Solesmes in 1979. The music track is available on YouTube where there is no indication of interpretation.

A blessed Sunday and heartfelt greetings.

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