
Third Sunday of Easter

Massimo Palombella

Today’s Gospel (Lk 24:13-35) recounts the famous encounter of Jesus with the disciples of Emmaus.

It is interesting to note how the disciples themselves recognise that “their hearts were burning” as Jesus conversed with them.

Recognising where our heart ‘burns’ is a crucial issue for the quality and stability of our lives. Indeed, the ‘heart’ often precedes the intelligence of reality, and only by recognising this, and thus performing an act of intelligence, of ordered understanding, do we allow our ‘heart’, our ‘burning’ to express itself in truth and fullness.

Staying in touch with our “burning”, seeking, as much as we lose it, our “burning” keeps us alive, improves our life, refines us more and more, allows us to face difficulties, to concentrate on what is essential in our life, to discover and relate more and more to the true God who awaits us to make our existence ever more full and authentic.

The Offertory antiphon for today’s celebration is taken from Psalm 145 (Ps 145:2) with the following text:

“Lauda, anima mea, Dominum:
laudabo Dominum in vita mea:
psallam Deo meo, quamdiu ero, alleluia.”

(Praise the Lord, O my soul;
I will praise the Lord throughout my life;
I will sing to my God for as long as I live, alleluia.)

The attached music, in Gregorian Chant, is taken from the Graduale Triplex published in Solesmes in 1979.

The interpretation is by the Consortium Vocale Oslo conducted by Alexander M. Schweitzer. The music track can be found on the CD “Resurrexi. Eastern In Gregorian Chant” released in 2020.

A blessed Sunday and heartfelt greetings.

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