
XXVth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Massimo Palombella

Carl Bloch, The Sermon on the Mount, 1890

In today’s Gospel (Lk 16:1-13) Jesus tells the curious story of the dishonest steward who was praised by his master because he acted shrewdly. I think that the administrator’s having acted with “shrewdness” lies in the fact that in order to get out of the uncomfortable situation, he involved other persons. In essence, the administrator realised that he could not save himself, but needed others.

Whenever we illude ourselves that we are happy on our own, that we can realise our life without connections with others, without confrontation, we basically build ourselves a sort of ‘bubble’ that protects us from reality and that, in some way, works as an anaesthetic.

The true God awaits us in reality, in continuous existential and professional confrontation, in a relationship with Him that, to be authentic, needs to include the persons around us, our roots, uncomfortable situations, destabilising relationships. Our relationship with the true God – not with that god we invent to make ourselves feel good – can only be inclusive of everything, a relationship that challenges us and leads us to the truth of us.

The Communion antiphon for today’s celebration is taken from Psalm 118 (Ps 118:4.5) with the following text:

“Tu mandasti mandata tua custodíri nimis;
utinam dirigantur viæ meæ ad custodiendas iustificationes tuas.”

(You have ordered that your commandments be kept diligently;
O that my ways may be guided towards the keeping of your statutes).

The attached music, in Gregorian Chant, is taken from the Graduale Triplex published in Solesmes in 1979.  The music track can be found on YouTube where there is no indication of interpretation.

A blessed Sunday and heartfelt greetings.

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